Coaching and Mentoring

Do you experience concerns, frustrations, uncertainty, insecurity and fear and wonder how to achieve the results and success you’ve had visions of?

I did, and I was complaining and blaming other people and circumstances for years.

I didn’t know how to deal with the issues and I kept finding myself at the same place – broken relationships, little money, a failed business etc. It was almost like I was stuck in a cycle or I’d reached my limit. Fun, joy and love were absent in my life and I wondered how I’d found myself there.

So, at rock bottom, I realised I needed help and started doing lots of personal and professional development courses and found some great mentors.

And then I started to slowly see the light. I first learned that at the end of the day I was the person who is responsible for my life and the results I got.

That was a cold, hard and lonely piece of knowledge for me.

It meant my only option was to get a mirror and have a good hard look at myself: my actions, my words and my thoughts.

Slowly, things started to change. I started to apply the new knowledge I was learning and applied it – much like getting on a bike for the first time and learning how to ride it. Yes, I fell off on a number of occasions but I got back up, got more coaching, and tried again.

Slowly but surely, I started getting what I wanted: more inner peace and calmness, more clarity, more understanding of other people, more trust, more confidence, deeper and stronger relationships with other people and myself, more creativity, more fun and joy and love, and quite naturally more money came in.


But it took decades and lots of time and money.

So now, I’ve concentrated all my knowledge and I’ll share this with you:

A simple truth is that you, a human being, can only ever live in the current moment. You can’t live in the past and you can’t live in the future – you can only ever live in the present moment.

This means you can only ever deal with what is happening to you right now. And how you deal with what is happening right now determines your results and your performance – Both the good results and the bad results.

The tools you use to deal with what is happening right now are your thinking, speaking and listening. Yes, this is communication and you’ll be amazed at how it’s impacting your performance and success.

In a group setting of any size, or through one-on-one facilitation, I take complex issues and make them very simple and easy to understand.

And this means you get to shift your issues at a rapid rate.

Are you ready to take yourself or your organisation to an extraordinary new level?